Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

Tips kesehatan

     Tips Mengecilkan Perut Buncit Tanpa Keluar Kamar

      Perut rata atau sixpack memang dambaan semua orang. Banyak yang rela melakukan olahraga berat sampai mengeluarkan uang demi mendapatkan perut yang ideal. Namun sebenarnya kita tidak perlu mengeluarkan uang hanya untuk mengecilkan perut, apalagi sampai diet ketat. Tanpa keluar kamar pun kita bisa koq mengecilkan perut kita. Berikut ini adalah beberapa olahraga mudah dan ringan namun sangat efektif untuk mengecilkan perut.

1. Push up

mengecilkan perut buncit
      Olahraga ringan ini ternyata cukup efektif membuat perut kita rata. Sebuah penelitian terbaru di jurnal Obesity membuktikan bahwa push up bisa meningkatkan kadar testosteron. Testosteron ini berfungsi untuk meratakan perut buncit. Kekurangan testosteron banyak disebabkan karena penumpukan lemak visceral atau lemak yang menempel di organ dalam perut.

     Push up sangat mudah dilakukan, tanpa matras pun kita tetap bisa push up. Sebaiknya mulai dari yang ringan dulu, dua seri setiap pagi dan sore, masing-masing 25 kali. Selanjutnya tingkatkan secara bertahap.

2. Sit up

mengecilkan perut buncit
      Gerakan sit up yang terpusat di dalam otot perut, sangat efektif mengecilkan perut buncit jika dilakukan dengan benar. Posisi sit up yang benar adalah kaki menekuk. Sedangkan tangan berada di samping kepal, bukan memegangi leher/tengkuk.

      Selain itu dianjurkan untuk menggunakan alas yang empuk seperti matras untuk mencegah rasa sakit di punggung. Agar mendapatkan hasil yang optimal, disarankan untuk melakukan sit up minimal 15 menit sehari.

3. Lompat tali atau skipping

      Walaupun terkesan mudah, lompat tali ternyata sangat ampuh untuk membakar lemak kalori dalam tubuh. Bukan hanya otot kaki atau paha saja, lemak pada perut dan tangan pun juga ikut dibersihkan. Disarankan untuk melakukan lompat tali minimal 15 menit sehari.

4. Hula hoop

      Selain mengasyikkan, hula hoop juga efektif untuk mengecilkan perut buncit. Gerakan hula hoop atau menggoyangkan pinggul selama 10 menit ternyata mampu membakar 100 kalori dalam tubuh. Hula hoop mudah dan murah karena hanya butuh mainan hula hoop yang terbuat dari plastik atau rotan. Kalau belum terlalu mahir, silahkan berlatih setiap hari sampai bisa.


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Lirik lagu UJE-Bidadari Surga



Lirik lagu UJE-Bidadari Surga

Bidadari Surga - Uje (Alm Ustadz Jefry al buchori)

Intro :  Am G F
           Em Dm C  G  Am

Am                     G   
Setiap manusia punya rasa cinta
            F                   E
yang mesti dijaga kesuciaanya
Dm                     Am
namun ada kala insan tak berdaya
          F         E          Am       F  E  Am
saat dusta mampir bertahta
     Am                        G
ku inginkan dia..yang punya setia
          F                              E
yang mampu menjaga kemurniaannya
Dm                         Am
saat ku tak ada ku jauh darinya
        F           E             Am
amanah pun jadi penjaganya

Reff :
Am                               Dm
hatimu..tempat berlindungku
        G                       C      E
dari kejahatan syahwatku
        Am      A       Dm             
Tuhanku merestui itu
        G                      C 
dijadikan engkau isteriku
            E                       Am   G  F  E  Am  G  F  E
engkaulah...Bidadari Surgaku
         Am                                  G
tiada yang memahami segala kekuranganku
F                        E
kecuali kamu, bidadariku
Dm                                     Am
maafkanlah aku dengan kobodohanku
               F            E           Am
yang tak bisa membimbing dirimu

kembali ke : Reff  (2x)

           E                        Am     F  E
Engkaulah Bidadari Surgaku

Robbanaa hab lanaa
       Dm   Am                   
Min azwajinaa
Wa dzurriyatinaa
       F                    E                                                   
Qurrota a'yun waj'alnaa
Lil muttaqiina
          F          Dm               E
Imaamaa Imaamaa Imaamaaa
            E                       Am   G  F  E,  Am  G  F  E
engkaulah Bidadari Surgaku

outro : Am

     Semoga dengan kita menyanyikan dan mendendangkan lagu_lagu Alm.ustadz jefry al buchori beliau bisa diterima disisi allah SWT dan dimasukan kedalam golongan orang-ornag yang dimuliakannya dan semoga keluarga yang ditinnggalkan beliau tetap tabah. selamat jalan UJE semoga kau mendapatkan tempat yang layak disisinya doa kami seraya akan mengikut kepergianmu UJE. terima kasih UJE atas semua dakwah-dakwahmu yang telah kau berikan kepada kami     

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Jumat, 17 Mei 2013


    Teman-teman memang sekolahan adalah sarana untuk belajar tapi apa gunanya cari sekolah yang mahal tapi kita tak baik bersekolah di sekolkahan itu lebih baik kita bersekolah saja sekolahanku SMA SLAM SUDIRMAN 2 BOYOLALI sekolahan ini adalah sekolahan yang bermutu di daerah Boyolali dan telah meluluskan banyak generasi muda yang akan menjadi penerus bangsa. sekolahan ini adalah sekolahan yang terbilang sangat murah didaerah boyolali karena:
1. sekolahan ini tidak dipungut uang gedung yang biasanya sebagai hal yang ditakuti masyarakat karena uang gedung yang terlaluy mahal tetapi di SMA ISLAM SUDIRMAN2 BOYOLAILI ini tidak dipungut biaya sepeserpun untuk uang gedung
2. sekolahan ini juga murah untuk daftar ulang saja tidak membutuhkan banyak uang karena hanya dengan     Rp.675.000,00 saja kita sudah dapat seragam 4 setel( osis , khusus, pramuka. dan seragam ikon boyolali) , dan biaya MOS sekaligua biaya operasional komputer selama 1 tahun
3. dan yang paling murah adalah SPPnya disekolahanku ini SPPnya sungguh murah hanya Rp. 85.00,00 saja selama satu bulan
    Dan staf pengajar di SMA ISLAM SUDIRMAN2 BOYOLALI ini sudah professional karena 95% semua guru-gurunya adalah lulusan sarjana.dan saya sangat senang bersekolah disekolahan ini karena tidak hanya saya dapat pengajaran yang baik dan professional dari guru-guru kami kami juga senang karena tidak terlalu terbebani dengan uang-uang yang harus dibayarkan. sekian profil singkat saya tentang sekolahan saya jangan lupa ya bersekolah di SMA ISLAM SUDIRMAN 2 BOYOLALI dan jangan sampai salah pilih dan kalian tidak akan pernah nyesel deh sekolah di sekolahan ini. sekian terima kasih

Ayo bersekolah di SMA ISLAM SUDIRMAN 2 BOYOLALI pasti gak akan nyesel deh...
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Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

Soal Ulangan Kenaikan kelas X

 Teman-teman mari bersama kita mengerjakan soal bahasa inggris yuk

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Text 1

Sanitation at Home
A home is a place where people cook, eat sleep and look after their children. It protects people from harsh weather – cold, rain, wind, the burning rays of the sun-as well as from insects, animals and other dangers, so a home is a very important place for people to live.
Sanitation at home is important. People can do a lot about improving some of their living conditions in which they live. They should refrigerate food properly or store it carefully to keep it away from bacteria, and they should not leave food lying around because it may attract insects and rats. To Avoid these pests, proper care of garbage is also very important.
Careful housekeeping is extremely important to sanitation and food health. People should keep all parts of the house neat and clean by sweeping and mopping them, such as bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. They should tidy up the bedroom, scrub bathroom and kitchen often, and use disinfectants freely. Sanitary condition of a house protects people from germs but health problems not caused by germs are a growing challenge in the field of sanitation today.
1. The author is primarily concerned with describing …
a. the importance of having a good home
b. how people should keep their house tidy
c. the ways people should obey to have good sanitation
d. the danger of leaving their meal open
e. the diseases derive from garbage

2. According to the author …
a. house is the most important thing to have
b. people should store their meal in refrigerator
c. people should be aware of getting bad environment
d. flies, rats, ants and many other insects need our protection
e. keeping the environment healthy is the most important thing to do

3. Which one of the words below has similar meaning to sanitary ?
a. dirty
b. soiled
c. waste
d. health
c. clean

4. The word it paragraph 1, sentence 2 refers to …
a. a home
b. child
c. a place
d. weather
e. wind
Text 2
Healthy Water and Its Problem
Water is very precious to people. They use it in almost activities they do. Primarily, they use water for domestic purposes such as drinking, food preparation, bathing cleaning, and watering plants. Secondarily, water is used for industrial processes, commercial protect. Realizing how important water is for drinking and food preparation. Clean water which is free from disease-causing bacteria should always be available. Boiling water is the traditional way to get healthy drinking water. Clean and healthy water is also necessary for bathing and cleaning; fish and plants need water which is free from pollution.
As the population of the world increases, people are now facing a serious problem of water pollution, especially in big cities. The growth of population does not cope with the development of housing facility. Consequently, too many people live in one area, and environmental cleanliness cannot be controlled very well. People’s activities are chemical substances that affect the natural condition of water of its intended use. Organic wastes from homes and industries contaminate the water. As the result, waterways like rivers, lakes, and even oceans are subjected to pollution. This polluted water is harmful to living things that consume it. Plants cannot grow well and do not yield good quality fruit. Fish do not grow and breed properly. This in turn, will affect the health of people who consume them
Water pollution is really a problem for all people. They however cannot overcome this individually. They need to cooperate as responsible citizens. They should not throw away domestic wastes everywhere. They must not dump harmful substances into the rivers. Industries must realize the importance of recycling rubbish. And above all, they should not let the chemical waste get into the rivers or other public waterways.
5. The following are the primary uses of water except …
a. preparation of food
b. swimming –pools
c. cleaning
d. bathing
e. drinking
6. Water is very precious because …
a. it is not available everywhere
b. we cannot use it everyday
c. we use it in almost all activities
d. it is hard to get
e. we can use it to wash
7. We realize how important water is, so we have to …
a. find more water
b. boil the water
c. use as little water as possible
d. explore the earth for more water
e. keep water usable at all times
8. What do fish and plants need ? They need …
a. uncontaminated water
b. a large quantity of water
c. clean and healthy water
d. water from rivers
e. waste water
9. Why do big cities have serious water problems? Because …
a. water is difficult to find
b. they need too much water
c. water is needed there
d. too many people live in one area
e. of the development of housing facilities
10. We need … for bathing and cleaning.
a. a warm water
b. a lot of water
c. clean and healthy
d. water from natural sources
e. contaminated water
11. Plants cannot grow well and do not yield good quality fruit (par.2)
The word “yield” means …
a. grow
b. give
c. affect
d. consume
e. produce/harvest
12. The primary cause of water pollution is …
a. animal waste
b. people’s activities
c. harmful plants
d. contaminated waste
e. the natural condition of water
13. Polluted water is very dangerous to ….
a. animal
b. all living things
c. environment
d. the people
e. health
Text 3
It is important to know how people in Jakarta satisfy the need of clean water. They use ground water, the governmental water supply or PAM ( Perusahaan Air Minum ) and public hydrants. The number of the population in Jakarta is 8,5 million, but only 41% of them have accessed to clean water from PAM, while the rest still depend on ground water. The shallow ground water is used in hotels, offices, factories, and areas of residences. There won’t be any problem if they do not use the water more than the resource’s capacity.
Man is granted a large amount of colourless liquid called water. Life will not exist without water. There are a lot of domestic purposes as drinking, preparation of food and beverages, bathing, cleansing, and watering the lawns and gardens and secondarily in industrial processes, commercial products disposal of wastes in sewers, fire fighting, street sprinkling, swimming pools, and public fountains. For most of the purposes above the quality of water must be good.
There are a lot of sources of water supply such as underground and surface water. Ground water resources are near at hand and systems are cheap to install, i. e by setting a pump or digging a well. The surface water is obtained from large lake or river nearby, consequently it will be very expensive to get the water because the supply depends on the amount of water in large reservoirs, from which long pipes are needed to pump the water into the houses. Ground water is generally clear, cold, cold, colourless, and cleaner than surface water in some regions.
In order to have clean water supplies people should conserve the water. It can be conserved in many ways, including measurement and recording of all-purpose water consumption, holding flood water in o0versize reservoirs, desalting seawater and guard of ground water against the intrusion of seawater, and reducing evaporations in reservoirs using large ground water reservoir more extensively.
14. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text ? …
a. Deep ground water is used in houses.
b. Water is primarily used for fire fighting.
c. Ground water is generally smelly and gummy
d. The quality of water may be good for the most purposes.
e. People should conserve water to get enough clean water supply.
15. The main idea of paragraph 2 is …
a. We use water for domestic use
b. Life will not exist without water
c. The people in Jakarta use ground water.
d. There are a lot of sources of water supply
e. The surface water is obtained from large lake or river nearby.
16. The text tells us about …
a. clean water
b. ground water
c. the use of water
d. sources of water
e. the governmental water supply (PAM)
17. … people should conserve the water (par.3). The underlined word means …
a. harm
b. flow
c. manage
d. keep away
e. keep from lost or destruction
18. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?
a. The quality of water must be good
b. We use water for domestic purpose
c. The surface water is obtained from the lakes
d. Swimming-pool, public fountain belong to primarily use of water.
e. People in Jakarta use ground water, PAM, and public hydrant primarily.
Text. 4
A woman and her two children could not stop sneezing as heaps of kapok floated in the air around them. Even the afternoon downpour did not dampen their working spirit. With the silky fibers or kapok flying all around them and setting onto their bodies, they kept stuffing kapok into a large cloth bag to make mattress.
Rasni 40 is one of the woman working in a mattress-making centre in Wanakerta mattress in Bajanegara village of Purbalingga district. Almost all of the women in Wanakerta, which has population of some 350 families or about 1,200 people, works as mattress-makers.
Since 1978 Wanakerta residents have been making mattresses in a very traditional way. To make one mattress they need stuffing, mattress cloth and thread. There are two kinds of stuffing with which they are familiar : kapok and fibrous yarn called benglon which is made from textile factory waste. The products have a good market not only in Purbalingga but also in other urban centers like Surakarta, Tasikmalaya, and Jakarta.
The mattress-making business in Wanakerta was pioneered by Mahwari, 50, and the late Rasmadi. Before trying their hands at mattress-making, they sold agricultural products in a number of areas in Java. When they were in a textile mill in Bandung, West Java they saw heaps of textile waste, the kapoklike polyester benglon fibers.
The process of making a mattress in a traditional way is simple. “Before it is put into a cloth bag, the kapok or benglon must be first put in the sunlight so that it will expand, “said Rasni.
Then it is put into a cloth bag of mattress size. The bag is sewn up with mattress thread. “When the mattress is ready, it will be again put in the sunlight so that it will expand further, “she added.
To make a single mattress, nine metres of mattress cloth, 20 kg of kapok or 25 kg of benglon and two rolls of thread, are needed. One mattress is sold at an average price of Rp. 90,000,-
The mattress-makers handle heaps of kapok and benglon every do not wear protective masks, leaving them vulnerable to health problem. The biggest risk they is when unpack the stuffing, put it in the sunlight and fill the mattress bag.
19. what is the text about ?
a. The price of mattress
b. The process of making mattress
c. The Wanakerta residents
d. The mattress business in Wanakerta
e. The pioneer of making mattress in Wanakerta
20. The main idea of paragraph 2 is …
a. Making mattress has been started since 1978
b. It is simple to make a mattress in a traditional way
c. There are two kinds of stuffing in making mattress
d. Wanakerta hamlet is a mattress-making center
e. The products have a good market.
21. Which statements is NOT TRUE according to the text ?
a. Wanakerta is located in Purbalingga district.
b. Wanakerta residents have been making mattress for about 25 years.
c. The stuffing of mattress consists of kapok and benglon.
d. The mattress makers highly care about their health problems.
e. The mattress will be sold in Surakarta, Tasikmalaya, and also Jakarta
22. “It will be again put in the sunlight so that it will expand further “(par 5)
The underlined word means …
a. become large
b. become smaller
c. reduce
d. lessen
e. decrease
23. Why don’t the mattress-making wear protective masks ?
a. Because they know to keep healthy.
b. Because they are only women-workers.
c. Because they don’t know much about healthy problems.
d. Because they work with their children at home
e. Because the silky fibers of kapok flying all around them.
24. Mother : Please … We are running out of sugar and flour.
Tuti : Sure, mom.
a. Don’t go anyway
b. Go to the grocery
c. Clean up your room
d. Don’t make any noise
e. Meet your aunt, Susi
25. Deni : I haven’t seen Dody for a week. How has he been ?
Tony : Fine. I met him two days ago
Deni : Did he tell you something
Tony : Yes, he told me that …
a. I had to help my mom at home
b. He had to help my mom at home
c. He has to help his mom at home
d. He had to help his mom at home
e. I have to help his mom at home
26. Teacher : Where were you yesterday ?
Helmi : I beg your pardon, sir !
Tini     : He asked you … the day before
a. where were you
b. where you were
c. where had you been
d. where you had been
e. where he had been
27. Toto : Where did you go last night? I telephoned you, but you weren’t at home.
Dian : Oh, when you called me up, I … the meeting the youth organization in my neighbourhood.
a. Attend
b. Will attend
c. Have attended
d. Am attending
e. Was attending
28. Aldi : Have you got the news that Rudi failed again in the English test at school?.
Hanif : It’s a pity …
a. He has to take the English course.
b. He doesn’t have to study harder
c. His parents must be proud of him
d. He is fond of English subject
e. It is strange that he is like that
29. Tuti : Hello Friends …
Dea : We hope that you feel comfortable in here.
a. Meet my friend, Hussein.
b. Let me introduce myself to you all
c. I would like to go abroad
d. It is not necessary for me to stay here.
e. You have to introduce yourself
30. Joko : Who is the man with a black jacket over there?
Fitri : Oh, he is my cousin, Amran
Joko : Sure
a. Allow me to introduce myself
b. How do you do
c. May I introduce Amran to you ?
d. I would like to introduce myself
e. What’s your name ?
31. Bagus : Eating too much instant bodies is not good for your health.
You should eat more nutritious food
Ida : Sure Gradually, I will change my habit.
The underlined sentence expresses ….
a. Prohibition
b. Advise
c. Permission
d. Order
e. Desire
32. Tini : In order to commemorate our school universary, we have carried out English speech contest.
Lia : Ohm That is a splendid activity.
From the dialogue above we know that the English speech contest …
a. is still going on
b. has already finished
c. will take place in future
d. started at some times in the past
e. was happening at some time in the past
33. Fitri : I met Andi, our old friend when were the students of elementary school.
Amazingly, he can speak English fluently.
Yani     : Andi. No wonder he can speak it well.
He … in England since 3 years ago.
a. Lives
b. Lived
c. Will live
d. Is living
e. Has been living

34. Doctor : Take this medicine …… want to get well soon
Patient : Thank you doctor.
The underlined sentence express
a. desire
b. order
c. permission
d. offer
e. prohibition
The sun is the nearest star to us. It is a giant Bali of gases. Many researches have been done to … (35) the sun and it is now kept under constant observation . temperatures within the sun reach millions of degrees. Scientists are working to find ways that the … (36) of the sun may be used to … (37) electricity. We know that we cannot live without it.
35. a. observe
b. improve
c. manage
d. seek
e. manipulate
36. a. space
b. beam
c. current
d. heat
e. ray
37. a. prove
b. generate
c. make
d. bring
e. maximize
Women’s clothes, unlike men’s are every … (38). Wise woman do not buy extreme …(39) at any time, for they tire of them quickly and they know that if their “public” remembers the costume rather that the wearing, the costume is not a success. Woman should always … (40). Costumes that are flattering in both line and colour that cause people to say, “How attractive you look today, “rather than “What an exciting dress you are wearing.”
38. a. declining
b. increasing
c. improving
d. changing
e. enclosing
39. a. kinds
b. styies
c. design
d. motifs
e. sketches
40. a. choose
b. chose
c. choice
d. to choose
e. chosen
The light of the Milky Way is the combined light a billions of stars … (41) have discovered than there are quantities of gases and dust spread on among the stars of the Milky Way . Most of the gases are …(42) but gases of other chemical element are also found. The particles of the dust at extremely … (43). They may come from gases or they may here blown away from certain stars.
41. a. astrologers
b. astronomers
c. astronauts
d. scientists
e. fortunetellers
42. a. hydrogent
b. oxygen
c. octane
d. carbon
e. carbondioxide
43. a. tiny
b. rough
c. fine
d. abundant
e. enormous
44. The teachers should not only educate students, but also enforce discipline.
The underlined word means ….
a. Improve
b. Compel obedience to
c. Maximize the quality
d. Establish
e. Allow
45. Waste water or sewage is a menace to health because it usually contains panthogens and other substances that may contaminate food and drinking water.
a. benefit
b. advantages
c. danger or threat
d. effect
e. possession
46. She likes doing the …. Such as washing, cleaning, ironing, cooking, etc.
a. homework
b. household
c. job
d. assignment
e. duties
47. Mother usually reminds us to put on our …
before going to bed
a. pyjamas
b. suit
c. coat
d. sweater
e. uniform
48. Many residents in this area are suffering from diarrhoea and skin decease because of bad …
a. ventilation
b. sanitation
c. population
d. medical treatment
e. education
49. Sooner or later the flood will take place if the people still … the rubbish in the river.
a. pick up
b. throw away
c. escape from
d. put away
e. send away
50. One of the solutions to minimize the drop-outs by campaigning … program; especially for the poor.
a. education is for all
b. long-life education
c. student exchange
d. foster parents
e. family planninghttp


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Selasa, 14 Mei 2013


Expression in english and indonesia


  • Hai!
Good morning!
  • Selamat pagi
Good evening!
  • Selamat malam
Welcome! (to greet someone)
  • Selamat datang
How are you?
  • Apa kabar?
I'm fine, thanks!
  • Baik, terima kasih
And you?
  • Dan kamu?
Good/ So-So.
  • Baik / Biasa saja
Thank you (very much)!
  • Terima kasih (banyak)!
You are welcome
  • Sama-sama (kembali kasih)

Hey! Friend!
  • Hei teman!
I missed you so much!
  • Saya/ aku sangat or Saya/ aku kangen kamu (informal)
What's new?
  • Ada kabar baru?
Nothing much
  • Tidak banyak
Good night!
  • Selamat malam
See you later!
  • Sampai jumpa
Good bye!
  • Selamat tinggal

Good/ Bad/ So-So.
  • Baik/ Buruk/ Biasa saja
Big/ Small
  • Besar/ Kecil
Today/ Now
  • Hari ini/ Sekarang
Tomorrow/ Yesterday
  • Besok/ Kemarin
Yes/ No
  • Ya/ Tidak

Do you like it?
  • Kamu suka ini?
I really like it!
  • Saya suka sekali!
I'm hungry/ thirsty.
  • Saya lapar/haus
In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night.
  • Pada pagi hari/ Sore hari/ Malam hari
This/ That. Here/There
  • ini/ itu. Disini/ Disana
Me/ You. Him/ Her.
  • Saya/ Kamu. Dia/ Dia
  • Benar!
  • Lihat!
Hurry up!
  • Cepat!
What? Where?
  • Apa? Dimana?
What time is it?
  • Jam berapa sekarang?
It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm.
  • Jam 10. setengah delapan malam
Give me this!
  • Berikan pada saya
I love you!
  • Saya cinta kamu
I feel sick.
  • Saya merasa tidak sehat
I need a doctor
  • Saya perlu dokter
I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something)
  • Maaf...
Sorry (for a mistake)
  • Maaf
No Problem!
  • Tidak apa-apa
Can You Say It Again?
  • Bisa tolong diulangi?
Can You Speak Slowly?
  • Bisa bicara pelan-pelan?
Write It Down Please!
  • Tolong tulis
I Don't Understand!
  • Saya tidak mengerti
I Don't Know!
  • Saya tidak tahu
I Have No Idea.
  • Saya tidak tahu
What's That Called In Indonesian?
  • Apa maksudnya dalam bahasa Indonesia?

What Is This? ini apa?
My Indonesian is bad.
  • Bahasa Indonesia saya buruk
I need to practice my Indonesian
  • Saya harus berlatih bahasa Indonesia saya
Don't worry!
  • Jangan kuatir

Good luck!
  • Semoga sukses
Happy birthday!
  • Selamat ulang tahun
Happy new year!
  • Selamat tahun baru

I'm lost
  • Saya tersesat
Can I help you?
  • Bisa saya bantu?
Can you help me?
  • Bisa bantu saya?
Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)?
  • Kamar (mandi/apotik) dimana?
Go straight! then turn left/ right!
  • lurus terus! lalu belok kiri/kanan!
I'm looking for john.
  • Saya mencari John
One moment please!
  • Tunggu sebentar!
Hold on please! (phone)
  • Tunggu sebentar!
How much is this?
  • ini harganya berapa?
Excuse me ...! (to ask for something)
  • Permisi!
Excuse me! ( to pass by)
  • Permisi!
Come with me!
  • ikutilah saya!


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Minggu, 12 Mei 2013


                       Pengertian Shalat

    Pengertian Shalat Shalat secara bahasa berarti berdo’a. dengan kata lain, shalat secara bahasa mempunyai arti mengagungkan. Sedangkan pengertian shalat menurut syara’ adalah ucapan-ucapan dan perbuatan-perbuatan tertentu, yang dimulai dengan takbiratul ihram dan diakhiri dengan salam. Ucapan di sini adalah bacaan-bacaan al-Qur’an, takbir, tasbih, dan do’a. Sedang yang dimaksud dengan perbuatan adalah gerakan-gerakan dalam shalat misalnya berdiri, ruku’, sujud, duduk, dan gerakan-gerakan lain yang dilakukan dalam shalat. 

       Sebagian yang lain mengartikan shalat yaitu beberapa ucapan dan perbuatan yang dimulai dengan takbir, disudahi dengan salam, yang dengannya kita beribadah kepada Allah, menurut syarat-syarat yang telah ditentukan.

    Yang dimaksudkan shalat dalam penelitian ini adalah tidak hanya sekedar shalat tanpa adanya penghayatan atau berdampak sama sekali dalam kehidupannya, akan tetapi yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini adalah shalat fardlu yang didirikan dengan khusyu’ yakni shalat yang nantinya akan berimplikasi terhadap orang yang melaksanakannya. Pengertian shalat yang dimaksudkan  lebih kepada pengertian shalat menurut Ash Shiddieqy  dari ta’rif shalat yang menggambarkan ruhus shalat (jiwa shalat); yaitu berharap kepada Allah dengan sepenuh jiwa, dengan segala khusyu’ dihadapan-Nya dan berikhlas bagi-Nya serta hadir hati dalam berdzikir, berdo’a dan memuji.

Rukun shalat adalah:
1 .islam
2. berakal sehat
3. mumayiz
4. suci dari najis
5. masuk waktu shalat
6. menutup aurat
7. menghadap kiblat
8. niat
Shalat dibedakan atas dua macam yaitu:
1. Shalat fardhu (wajib)
   Adalah shalat yang merupakan kewajiban setiap muslim untuk mengerjakannya apabila dia mengerjakannya dia akanmendapatkan pahala dan apabila dia meninggalkannya niscaya dia akan mendapatkan dosa yang sangat besar.
contoh shalat wajib adalah:
a. Shalat subuh: shalat yang dikerjakan pada pagi hari sebelum matahari terbit jumlah rakatnya ada 2
b. Shalat dzuhur adalah shalat yang pengerjaannya pada waktu siang hari ketika matahari berada pas         
   di tengah-tengah bumi rakaatnya ada 4
c. Shalat asar adalah shalat yang dikerjakan pada waktu sore hari sekitar pukul 15:00 dan jumlah
    rakaatnya ada 4 rakaat
d. Shalat maghrib adalah shalat yang dikerjakan pada waktu sore hari menjelang malam hari dan 
    jumlah rakaatnya ada 3 rakaat
e. Shalat isya adalah shalat yang dikerjakan pada waktu malam hari sekitar pukul 19;00 malam dan 
    jumlah rakaatnya ada 4 rakaat
2. Shalat sunah
     Adalah shalat yang apabila dikerjakan dia akan mendapat pahala dan apabila tak dikerjakan tidak berdosa. shalat sunah adalah salah satu sunah dari rasul salah satu shalat yang dikerjakan oleh rasulullah.SAW
Contoh shalat sunah adalah:
a. Shalat tarawih adalah shalat yang hanya dikerjakan tiap malampada bulan ramadan.
b. Shalat dhuha adalah shalat yang dikerjakan pada waktu pagi hari sekitar pukul 07;00 pagi sampai 12;00.
c. Shalat witir adalah shalat yang dikerjakan tiap malam bulan ramadhan sebagai penutup shalat tarawih.
d. Shalat tahajut adalah shalat yang dikerjakan pada malam hari sesudah shalat isya sampai shalat subuh.
     Tujuan utama dari pelaksanaan ibadah shalat adalah mendekatkan dan selalu mengingatkan manusia ke pada Allah SWT. Dengan begitu, mereka tidak akan sampai terjerumus dalam lembah kenistaan. Inilah intisari dari uraian yang akan disampaikan Imam Ali Khamenei dalam bukunya yang amat berharga ini.

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Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

Lirik Avenged Sevenfold-Dear God

                         Avenged Sevenfold – Dear God

Intro: F-C-Dm-Am-B-F-C x2

F C Dm Am
A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find
F C Dm Am
While I recall all the words you spoke to me
Can�t help but wish that I was there
Back where I�d love to be, oh yeah

F C Dm C
Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I�m not around,
when I�m much too far away
F C Dm C
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left her when I found her
And now I wish I�d stayed
�Cause I�m lonely and I�m tired
* Dm C B
I�m missing you again oh no
Once again
F C Dm Am
There�s nothing here for me on this barren road
There�s no one here while the city sleeps
and all the shops are closed
F C Dm Am
Can�t help but think of the times I�ve had with you
Pictures and some memories will have to help me through, oh yeah
F C Dm C
Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I�m not around,
when I�m much too far away
F C Dm C
We all need that person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I�d stayed
�Cause I�m lonely and I�m tired
* Dm C B
I�m missing you again oh no
Once again
Dm * B F
Some search, never finding a way
Dm * B F
Before long, they waste away
Dm * B F
I found you, something told me to stay
Dm * B F
I gave in, to selfish ways
Gm C
And how I miss someone to hold
when hope begins to fade�
F C Dm Am
A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find
F C Dm C
Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I�m not around,
when I�m much too far away
F C Dm C
We all need the person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I�d stayed
�Cause I�m lonely and I�m tired
* Dm C B
I�m missing you again oh no

                     Avenged Sevenfold - Dear God
Intro: F-C-Dm-Am-B-F-C x2

F C Dm Am
jalan sepi dibatas kota ini
jauh dari seseorang yang aku sayanggi
F C Dm Am

Ku terkenangkata yang kau ucapkan
Tapi tak bisa membuatku
Kembali padamu,oh yeah

F C Dm C
Tuhan hanya satu pintaku padamu
B F 

Jagalah dia saat aku

Jauh dari sisinya
F C Dm C
ku bukan orang yang tulus padamu
Tapi ku tinggalkan dirinya

Saat aku berjumpa
B C 
Ku sendiri dan ku lelah
* Dm C B

 Ku merindukanmu sayang
dan lagi

F C Dm Am
Rasa hampa selimuti diriku
Tak seorangpun didini

Yang menemaniku
F C Dm Am
Rasa indah saatku bersamamu
Dan potret dirimu akan temany hariku

F C Dm C

Tuhan hanya satu pintaku padamu
Jagalah dia saat aku
Jauh dari sisinya
F C Dm C

Ku bukan orang yang tulus padamu
Tapi ku tinggalkan dirinya
Saat aku mencoba
Ku sendiri dan ku lelah
* Dm C B

Ku merindukanmu sayang
FDan lagi

Dm * B F 

Cari tiada kutemukan
Dm * B F

Seolah  sia-sia
Dm * B F

Karenamu ku tetap bertahan
Dm * B F
Menyerah takkan pernah
gm C
Dan aku merindukan di dalam pelukan

F C Dm Am 
Jalan sepi dibatas kota ini
B F C 

Jauh dari seseorang yang aku sayanggi

F C Dm C
Tuhan hanya satu pintaku padamu
Jagalah dia saat aku
jauh dari sisinya
F C Dm C
Ku bukan orang yang tulus padamu
tapi ku tinggalkan dirinya
Csaat aku mencoba
Ku sendiri dan ku lemah
* Dm C B
Ku merindukanmu sayang

Sekali lagi

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    Sombong ardalah salah satu perilaku tercela dalam islam karena perilaku sombong dapat merusak hati dan pikiran seseorang sombong adalah perilaku membanggakan diri sendiri dari apa yang dia punya dan merasa dirinya adalah orang yang pny apapun.
   Orang yang sombong adalah orang yang memandang dirinya sempurnasegala-galanya, dia memandang orang lain rendah, meremehkannya danmenganggap orang lain itu tidak pantas mengerjakan suatu urusan, diajuga sombong menerima kebenaran dari orang lain .

    Bahaya sifat sombong adalah;
1. Orang Yang Sombong Telah Mengabaikan Perintah Allah SWT
    karena sombong kita tidak inggat kepada allah dan kita akan lupa tentang perintah-perintahnya dan terlalu  membanggakan dirinya karena merasa dirinya lebih baik dari orang laen
2. Orang Yang Sombong Menjadi Penghuni Neraka
    Orang yang sombong akan dibenci tuhan sehingga orang tersebut akan dimasukan kedalam neraka dan akan binasa didalamnya dan tidak akan dimasukkan ke syurga Allah SWT
3. Orang Yang Sombong Pintu Hatinya Terkunci Tertutup
    Orang yang sombong hatinya akan kelam tidak akan sadar tentang apa yang dia lakukan sehingga hatinya akan menjafi gelap gulita dan tidak ingat terhadap larangan-larangan Allah SWT 
4. Kesombongan Membawa Kepada Kehinaan Di Dunia Di Akhirat
    Orang yang sombong dalam hidupnya akan selalu hina diakhirat maupun didunia karena sombong adalah perilaku tercela dan dibenci oleh Allah SWT dan hidupnya tidak akan sejahtera didunia dan diakhirat

  Termasuk di antara gejala-gejala sombong ialah : mengingkari nikmat, terlalu mewah, terlalu berlebih-lebihan, takabur dan menimbulkan kerusakan di bumi. Semua perbuatan tersebut akibatnya akan merusak umat apabila tersiar di dalamnya, dan juga dapat merusak setiap individu atau kelompok masyarakat. 
  Sehingga sebagai manusia kita harus menjauhi sifat sombong karena sombong dapat merusak hati dan fikiran kita dan sebagai hambanya kita harus selalu taat dan patuh kepada Allah SWT dan menjalankan setiap perintahnya dan meningalkan setiap larangannya sehingga kita dapat menjadi seorang muslimin yang baik dan berguna bagi orang laen dan sehingga kita dapat masuk syurga  


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